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Amanda Thornton, MA, LPC
Amanda Thornton, MA, LPC
Amanda Thornton, MA, LPC
Both In-Person and Telehealth Counseling appointments available
Both In-Person and Telehealth Counseling appointments available
Both In-Person and Telehealth Counseling appointments available
Amanda Thornton, MA, NCC, LPC

There is currently a 30-day waitlist for new clients seeking face-to-face counseling.

Please schedule an appointment in advance using the link below.

Therapy Sessions

Counseling Services

Therapy Closeup


There is power in the Word and its ability to promote hope, authenticity, truth, love, and change. RhÄ“ma-Therapy was created with the whole person in mind---integrating a biblical worldview with a holistic approach to counseling. RhÄ“ma (pronounced hray'-mah) is a Greek word that means an utterance (individually, collectively, or specifically) on a particular matter or topic. Thayer's Greek Definitions define the word as something that has been uttered, in either the past or the present, by a living entity. The first time RhÄ“ma is used in the New Testament is during Jesus' forty days in the wilderness. After being tempted, Jesus responds: ...It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word (RhÄ“ma) that proceeds out of the mouth of God.' (Matthew 4:4, HBFV) (Source:  

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